Naval Academy Students Team THUNDERSTRIKE

5th CASSINI Hackathon - Space for Defence and Security
Challenge #3 Protecting our critical infrastructure

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Network for






Reconnaissance and




The big idea

The need for a unified network to address the challenges of managing and analysing large amounts of data across different domains is more pressing than ever. The unified network can provide a solution by enabling the integration of data from different sources, allowing for more efficient data processing and analysis.

In addition, a unified network can facilitate collaboration and information sharing between different stakeholders, allowing for a more comprehensive and integrated approach to problem solving. A unified network can also help to address issues of data fragmentation and inefficiencies in data processing.

It can also play a crucial role in helping to plan resource allocation, achieve better results in resource-constrained situations and create a fully distributed data model.

Through the use of a fully distributed data model, the network can ensure that information is shared in real time between all agencies and organisations involved, enabling rapid and efficient decision making. This approach can be particularly valuable in resource-constrained situations where agencies and organisations need to work together to achieve the best possible outcome.

During crisis we need to optimize for:    
  • Allocation of available resources
  • Maximize effect in resource-constrained situations
  • Fully distributed data model allows for efficient data processing and analysis

Petabytes of Images

Hours Spent in the Hackathon

Images Processed

Project Revisions

Current Alternatives

On Friday we heard a lot of such systems are being developed over the years. We had observed that all of them fail due to the concepts they’ve been built on. As students in cyber security we understand that each of those systems is a national security asset. At the same time it is an attack vector for foreign and local actors. The data in those systems is not only sensitive but it can be dangerous for our countries if used against us.

One of the main issues regarding data availability is the use of isolated data warehouses, which causes a problem as they are scattered in different locations. This can lead to information fragmentation and inefficiencies in data processing. In addition, the difficulty of collecting and processing data in real time can further exacerbate these problems, leading to significant delays in response times.

Another challenge is the limited embedded knowledge in these alternatives, which can lead to an inability to extract insights and value from the data.

Attempts to centralize data may alleviate some of these issues, but may also raise privacy concerns. Furthermore, data centralization can be used as a vector for attacks by malicious actors. This poses a significant cybersecurity risk.

The inability to reuse data and inefficiencies in data processing can lead to missed opportunities for early detection and prevention of potential threats.

Isolated data warehouses

  • Hard to gather and process
  • Limited embedded knowledge

Attempts to centralize data

  • Unethical surveillance practices
  • Attack vector
  • Inability to reuse / Inefficient

Where Information
Meets Action

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THUNDERSTRIKE is designed to update its knowledge base continuously using advanced data processing and analysis techniques to ensure that the information provided is always accurate, timely and up-to-date. The system helps in collating data from different sources, clearing false or misleading information from reliable sources, and improving the information provided as new data becomes available.

  • We will change the model we process data

  • User builds an app using test data

Correcting data from multiple sources helps provide a more complete picture of events and situations, allowing decision makers to make more informed choices. By combining data from a variety of sources, including social media, sensor networks and other channels, THUNDERSTRIKE can create a holistic view of the situation, enabling more effective and efficient decision-making.

Clearing false or misleading information from reliable sources is essential to prevent the spread of mis-information and disinformation. THUNDERSTRIKE will use sophisticated data analysis techniques to identify false or misleading information and filter it from reliable data. This helps ensure that decision makers are not misled by false or inaccurate information, leading to better outcomes.

  • Then the user can send a secured application on demand

  • Data provider processes the request without providing the data to the user

  • Data auditor validates the data before returning the output to the initial User

Our Data

  • All
  • True color
  • Moisture Index
  • SCL

True color 1

True color

True color 2

True color

True color 3

True color

Moisture Index 1

Moisture Index

Moisture Index 2

Moisture Index

Moisture Index 3

Moisture Index

Moisture Index 4

Moisture Index





What We Have Achieved

THUNDERSTRIKE was created with the primary goal of saving lives in large-scale disasters, whether they are caused by natural disasters, terrorist attacks or other emergencies. The system is designed with security in mind to ensure that it can be relied upon in times of crisis.By providing a fully distributed data model, the system can be used to analyze and process large amounts of data in real time, which is crucial in emergencies. This helps to improve situational awareness and decision making, as well as more efficient resource allocation.

One of the key advantages of THUNDERSTRIKE is that it can help solve both civil and security problems using the same secure infrastructure. Businesses can use the network for optimizing their day-to-day operations and extract hidden value, without compromising privacy or EU security.

THUNDERSTRIKE is also designed to be secure by design, meaning it is built with security features from the ground up. This includes the use of encryption and other security measures to protect data, as well as the ability to operate in a decentralized and distributed manner, which helps reduce the risk of single points of failure or attack.

THUNDERSTRIKE also helps to update knowledge by collating data from multiple sources, purging false or misleading information from reliable sources, and improving the information provided when new data is received. This helps decision makers to make informed decisions based on accurate and relevant data.

THUNDERSTRIKE is designed to be decentralized and extensible, allowing integration with new data providers and operation in the event of a target attack. This ensures that the system can continue to function even if some components are offline.


  • Developed a system that saves more lives in wide-scale disasters
  • Designed with security in mind from the ground up
  • Helps address both civil and security problems
  • Offers a decentralized and extensible platform for efficient data processing and analysis.


Team THUNDERSTRIKE consists of the following five members

  1. Dimitar Dimitrov
  2. Ianislav Trendafilov
  3. Lyubomir Tochev
  4. Anton Atanasov
  5. Asen Asenov

Dimitar Dimitrov

Student at Naval Academy

3rd year Cybersecurity

Ianislav Trendafilov


Staff II Architect
Student at Technical University of Sofia

Lyubomir Tochev

DXC Technology

Senior Professional Application Engineer
1st year Cybersecurity at Naval Academy

Anton Atanasov

Student at Naval Academy

2nd year Cybersecurity

Asen Asenov

Naval Academy

Head specialist at the Naval Academy Astronomical Observatory and Planetarium